The Blog

Notes from our team

Caroline Thomas Caroline Thomas

Protect Your Relationship from Corona Damage: Five tips to help your relationship thrive during this stressful time

This global crisis is creating collective anxiety. Meanwhile many of our typical supportive resources have been pulled out from under us. This level of stress can be toxic for a relationship. Instead of going into into self-protection mode, we need to focus our energy on turning toward each other with kindness, patience, and an understanding that this is a really hard time. Here's how.

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Caroline Thomas Caroline Thomas

Survive Social Distancing with Your Mental Wellness Intact

We know social isolation can be... isolating! We are social creatures. We thrive in community. And we like to know what to expect. This makes the current call for social distancing quite challenging. Here’s what we're learning so far - 10 Tips to Survive Social Distancing with Your Mental Wellness Intact.

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Caroline Thomas Caroline Thomas

H&H in the News: Seasonal Depression & Coping with Anxiety

Head & Heart therapist Caroline Thomas was so excited to be featured on 9&10 local news! We shared information on:

  • Anxiety: When to get help, and what you can do yourself to feel better now.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder: What’s the difference between feeling down in the winter and “SAD”, when to get help, and how to feel better.

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Isabel Lorton Isabel Lorton

Just Say No…To Co-Dependency

We teach our brains and hearts with our actions. Teaching ourselves that there is always someone out there to listen is a key component of life-long self-esteem and healthy boundaries in relations

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PCIT, Parenting Caroline Thomas PCIT, Parenting Caroline Thomas

Joyful Parenting Tool: Playtime Skills to Make Parenting Fun Again!

Good news: many parents see an increase in warmth, connection and positive behaviors by learning simple playtime tools to focus attention on positive behaviors. Using the PRIDE Skills (Praise, Reflect, Imitate, Describe, and Enjoy), we take a quick break from all the correcting and directing of everyday parenting and learn new ways to call attention to desired behaviors, nurturing and reinforcing the good stuff we see from our kids.

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PCIT, Parenting, CBT Caroline Thomas PCIT, Parenting, CBT Caroline Thomas

Joyful Parenting Tool: Effective Praise

Praise is a cornerstone of most parent’s daily routine. And with a few minor tweaks, you can substantially boost the impact of your praise. These strategies for praise really work to increase positive behaviors all while improving your child's self esteem and increasing the warmth in your relationship. How good is that?

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Parenting Caroline Thomas Parenting Caroline Thomas

Cheers to the Dads Who Don't Help

Dads are so important. This Father’s Day, let’s work to change how we talk about their role in the family. In our families, we can allow space for “masculine” to include the qualities of being nurturing, attentive, and gentle. The qualities of fathers.

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Parenting, DBT Caroline Thomas Parenting, DBT Caroline Thomas

Joyful Parenting Tool: The "And" Will Set You Free

Parents practice the first step in Dialectic Behavior Therapy (DBT) every day. We explore the world of dialectics: seemingly opposing forces that co-exist, rather than exclude one another. The secret is the "and": I love my son in a deeper way than I can describe and if he doesn’t stop whining immediately I might lose my mind. In DBT, we allow that every perspective is accurate in its own way and holds a kernel of truth. Freedom exists in this grey area; I am free to acknowledge that parenting needn’t be either joyful or challenging. The truth is all of the above. 

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